School Wide Write Term 3

Over the past couple of weeks, we took part in a school wide write. We read the story If I Built A School by Chris Van Duden and explored the prompt if I built a school…  Students then engaged in the writing process, including planning and writing to share their ideas.

Grade 1 – Sharing stories from our lives

We have been working on finding and sharing stories from our lives. We have been focusing on:

  • Finding a story in our lives
  • Starting with a title to tell our reader what our story is about
  • Making all sentences belong
  • Zooming in on a moment (Who? Where? How? What) to stretch a small event into a story
  • Showing our feelings by using talking, !, or feeling words, to show the reader how you are feeling through actions

We have also been focusing on experimenting with punctuation and using upper and lowercase letters in our writing.

Below, Ewan has chosen a story from his journal that he is most proud of.

Ewan’s Reflection:

I am proud of my drawings because they are good. I did good writing.

I want to get better at writing words. I am good at reading words, I am not good at writing words.

Grade 1 – School Wide Write – What makes a good friend?

We recently took part in a school wide write. Through story and discussion, we explored the questions what makes a good friend? Students then engaged in the writing process, including planning and writing to share their ideas around friendship.

Grade 1 – Story Workshop

We have been working on finding stories in our different brain pockets (Memory Pocket, Fact Pocket, and Imagination Pocket), and capturing those stories on paper using pictures and words. Ewan has chosen to share the following story.

“Where are my glasses?” Moms keys were under the coffee table. 

Ewan’s reflection: I want to give it to my mom to show her where her glasses might be. I am proud because I wrote something my mom does. I did pictures really good.

I am working on making books as an author.