My 3 Goals For Next Year

#1. I want to work on finishing my art quicker so that I’m not stuck on one piece for a long period of time.

#2. I want to try and read more often outside of school so I can improve my reading speed.

#3. I want to learn how to spell more words so that I can use a bigger variety of words in my writing.

Personal and Social

I can advocate for myself and my ideas. I show evidence of this in book club meetings. I proudly share my ideas and opinions. I also listen to others to help me get new ideas or to build on their ideas. Another time I showed evidence of this was in the Natural Resources project. I made sure my ideas were heard so I could contribute to my group. I also spoke up for other people if I thought their ideas were important. My last example of this is at the carpet. I share my ideas based on knowledge I have, I ask questions to extend my knowledge, and I build on other peoples ideas if I think they’re worthy of furthering the conversation. I still think that I can improve myself by comparing options more often instead of jumping to conclusions when I’m in a hurry.


I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group. I show evidence of this when we made pasta structures with tape and marshmallows. I lead my group and gave great ideas for what our structure should look like and how to make it. I helped include everyone and gave everyone a chance to contribute to the structure. Our structure was the only one that could hold the marshmallow without falling. Another time I showed this was when I volunteered to do green team monitoring. I volunteered on the first week to go to the grade 7 pod. I helped them properly sort their disposables so that in the future, they could do it without any help. I think that this was a big responsibility because I did it in the grade 7 pod and sometimes it’s hard to get kids older then you to listen to you. My best evidence of this is in the natural resources project. At the start, our group was totally unorganised and everybody was doing something different. I noticed this and stepped up and took on the lead role. I helped assign everybody a topic to learn about based on what they wanted to do. I chose the order with two other kids that our group would share in based on their topic, helped people do research if they needed it, and encouraged everybody so that they were confident while speaking. After all, nobody is perfect which is why I think I should volunteer to speak more often in front of the school at assemblys.


I can get new ideas or build on other people’s ideas to create something new. I show evidence of this in book club meetings. I attentively listen to the speaker so I can build on their idea and contribute to the group’s conversation. I also share my perspective on a book and let other people add on to my idea. Another time I showed evidence of this was in The Group of 7 art. I chose my favourite landscape and remade it in my own perspective. I used many different materials and I’m very proud of it. My biggest example of this is when we made structures out of pasta and tape. The goal was to make your structure strong enough to hold a jumbo marshmallow. During the project I looked at the other groups designs and mixed them with my idea to make a mew product. I lead my group and in the end, our structure was the only one left standing. I think I have great ideas but I still think I can work on having more original ideas of my own.

Goals For Term 3

One of my goals for term 3 is to use a variety of different transition words in my writing. I want to improve this because in my 3 way conference we talked about improving that. I can do this by using a thesaurus, asking peers or by looking at the wall of writing transitions. My second goal is to memorise my times tables. (6,8,12.) I want to memorise them because in the future it’ll be much easier if I have a test because I’ll just know the answer off the top of my head. I can do this by doing multiplication work sheets. Finally, my third goal is to improve my reading fluency. I want to accomplish this so that I can read more books during book club. I can do this by simply reading more books at a faster rate.


Mystery Science Reflection

During this project I learned so much. I especially learned a lot about constellations. I learned that you can only see certain constellations in parts of the year. For example, you can only see the Orion in the winter (January) or like Leo in the spring (March). To figure this out we made models and called them Universe in a Box. We made them with paper, scissors, tape and brad. It was a blast! These models showed us what constellations are connected to each season. This project was my favourite out of the Mystery Science projects we did and I will try one night to find constellations according to the month.

Animal Inquiry Project Reflection

This year, in term two, our class did a big project on animals that live around British Columbia. We used Thinglink to do this project. We got to choose our own animal so I chose the fast, agile and intelligent Timber Wolf. There were three main parts to our project. Adaptations, habitat and stewardship. For the adaptations part, everyone had to talk about 2 behavioural adaptations and 4 structural adaptations in paragraph form. For the habitat part, you would have to talk about how your animal gets water, food, shelter, how much space does your animal need, how does your animal regulate it’s body temperature, where does your animal live and what biome does your animal live in. Finally, for stewardship everyone would have to write about how people can help your animal.  I am very proud of my project because I worked so hard, stayed on task the whole time and found outstandingly helpful and important information. I also helped other kids if they needed assistance. In addition, I sometimes also needed assistance too because I’m not a computer person. In conclusion, I really enjoyed this project and hope we do a project like this one again.