Core Competency Reflection

Personal Social Core Competency

I can reflect on my strengths and identify my potential as a leader in my community. I show evidence of this when I help kids in class with work. I also show evidence of this when I help peers pay attention. In class I help children to understand questions when we’re working. I also motivate students to finish work. Finally I help my classmates listen to Ms. Yee or Carley in the class or in line.

The Snow Globe Adventure

The Snow Globe Adventure


Christmas morning, a kid’s favourite day. I woke up with the most energy and excitement. The first thing I did was go down stairs to the beautiful snow globe. Inside lies a miniature stone house and three bright green cedar trees. I shook the snow globe softly and suddenly started feeling pain in my arms. I looked at them and to my surprise they were shrinking! Next my head shrunk then my legs and finally my chest. I was the size of an ant! Right after I shrunk the bright glass of the snow globe opened and a strong cold wind sucked me into the tiny snow globe. I landed on some fluffy white snow. I picked up some of the soft cool snow and was astonished that it didn’t melt! Then I remembered that I was in a snow globe. I was so utterly curious about how the snow globe pulled me in. I told myself it was some crazy magic. Next I walked up to the tall cedar trees and smelt the strong, strong sent they release. I adore that smell. The last thing I needed to see was the stone house witch looked humongous because I was a little speck now. I went inside and heard the crackle of firewood. I then walked into the living room and found an elderly man with overalls and a plaid shirt sitting in a wooden rocking chair holding a cup of tea. I asked him “Do you know how to get out of this crazy snow globe?” “Yes, you must take a bite out of the warm, sacred, delicious turkey.” “Come with me” the old man said softly. I followed him into his beautiful kitchen. On the dinner table I saw the turkey, it looked fabulous. I took a bite out of it and I tasted the meat juice and gravy. It was better than it looked. Right as I was about to say “mmm” I suddenly grew back to my tall self and the gorgeous snow globe opened up and pulled me out. Finally I could enjoy my Christmas and I never spoke of that crazy experience ever again.



By: Luc

My Snow Globe Reflection

I am proud of my snow globe writing because I worked on it for a long time. I even skipped most of recess just to finish my rough draft. I am also proud of this writing because I used really descriptive language and thought about sentence structure. Finally I am proud of this writing because I talked about my 5 senses and how I felt in the story.