Deer Lake Field Trip (@-@)

Today we went to Deer Lake for a field trip. At Deer Lake we first took a walk to the forest. In the forest we first found something in the forest that spoke to us I found a rock that I used to carve Oik and Tay’s pieces of bark. I also found a damselfly (down below) but it looks like a dragonfly After that we drew something related to our object. Then we took the walk back to the park to eat lunch. Then we went to the canoe house to get PFD’s and canoe paddles. Then the instructor started talking about safety and all the strokes and how to do them. After that he told us to go to the other instructors to learn how to launch the canoe then once we launched the canoe we rafted on the buey to practice the strokes in the water again. Then we had a bit of time to canoe around but then we had to dock the canoe after we docked the canoes we had a snack then we went back to school. 


Day 2 of the canoeing field trip we got to start canoeing but this time since we know all the safety rules we got to immediately launch our canoes on to the water. After we launched the canoes we went to the buey to raft. After we rafted we learned a new stroke called side stroke then we went to a small wooden bridge to learn how to switch seats on water. Then we canoed to a old but cool looking home and under a fallen tree to play a game called shark and guppy which is basically canoe tag but when you get taged you are it withe the person that taged you. after that we docked our canoe to eat then we took a walk around the lake with my dog Lucy. when we got back from the walk we went back to school.